S14E36 Glitter Bats- Pod Macabre!

Worst Little Podcast
Worst Little Podcast
S14E36 Glitter Bats- Pod Macabre!

t’s our annual Halloween show! So of course we have the spooky Reno goth rock band (the) Glitter Bats! 

It’s been a whole year since we had them on. If you’re saying to yourself “isn’t that one of Nick’s bands?”, you’d be correct! Our weekly host is the drummer of the band. Lucky for us Kim and Chewbacca made it in to take up Nick’s slack.(per usual) And Zomboo is here as well!(via Rick’s drops)Spooooooky, heheheh…


Screaming Freddie Ferox tears up the vocals on the heavy songs he wrote, full of darkness, vampires, church organ macabre funhouse vibes provided by keyboard wizard Jon Cornell, movie references and samples and a little social commentary to boot. Keith Jewitt, hater of fun, lays down monstrous bass lines while young Jared Elder ‘s shredding guitar grinds and wickedly wails as Nick pounds the bat beat. Pure ear guano!


We check out several tracks from their upcoming debut album recorded right here at  the haunted Dogwater studios! 


We talk about the band’s year of shows and recording, changes and the future. We touch on religion, satanic panic, butt holes, death, the Eagles(scarrry!), pumpkin carving(tonight 10/30/24 at Dogwater Studios) AND the upcoming Reno Punk Rock Flea Market’s Fleas the Season event with a ton of bands, vendors and activities for the whole family happening this weekend! El Sol 1580 HYMER AVE 89431. Sure to be a scream!

We hope you have a hauntingly fun, memorable Halloween and checkout Glitter Bats music on Bandcamp,, there’s two songs there (Dormies in Aeternum and Wolves) and two more coming out on Friday! You can also check them out on YouTube on Freddie’s channel, Freddie Ferox (Murderock) or search for Glitter Bats, they’ll pop right up, then subscribe to Freddie’s channel. Checkout all his videos from his projects like Murderock and the Sonic Dead, you won’t regret it. You can also checkout Candy Apple and the Razor Blades, the band minus Nick (they got an even better guy for the job, who’s Kellen It, budumpump), doing their wicked Misfits cover group! 

Life is short eeeet eeet eeet (Psycho) and we love you children of the night!

Happy Halloween y’all! 

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