WLP – Episode missing

Just kidding! It’s not missing it never got recorded!

Due to complications over the weekend, Dogwater Studios was actually recording some rock and rollers – Ditch the Pilot. Look for them playing with Big Remote this Saturday, February 26 at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor. Check back next week for a new episode when we introduce the final member of the team, Webmaster Shaun Burks.

Tony Walker – S1 E4

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Season 01
Tony Walker - S1 E4

WLP – Episode 004

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Josh is out working hard for his money and doesn’t have time for his real friends. We recap our VD experiences, Rick outs himself as a creeper and we talk with Reno wordsmith and verse-slinger Tony Walker. Tony whores himself out more than Nick is involved with lots of local projects, venues and performers. He puts us all to shame, but we don’t care – we’re the ones with a fake radio show!

Danielle French – S1 E3

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Season 01
Danielle French - S1 E3

WLP – Episode 003

International stardom graces WLP!

This week, we are joined by Canada’s own Danielle French! She was very nice and didn’t make fun of our studio at all! We officially adopt her on behalf or Reno. Other topics include the Inaugural Dirty Spelling Bee, the freaking Packers, Canadian geography and our weekly recaps. Danielle plays a couple of awesome tunes, then she and Rick dork out about recording equipment.

Bonus game: What glaring music nerd error did Rory make? The first correct answer will win… something.

The Shames – S1 E2

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Season 01
The Shames - S1 E2

WLP – Episode 002

We thought we had so much fun that we’d try this again!

Join us as we continue to find our groove and not rip off other radio shows. Rory and Rick try out some soundboards, Josh whips out… some recordings of one of our favorite local bands, The Shames, and Nick tries to keep us all on track. We talk about Egypt, the anniversary of the Challenger disaster and a bunch of other nonsense. There is a point here somewhere. Maybe next episode.

Introductions – S1 E1

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Season 01
Introductions - S1 E1

WLP – Episode 001

Hey! It’s the first episode of our fake radio show internet podcast!!!

We let you know who we are and why we wanted to lock ourselves in a room with each other for an hour every week.
Enjoy the uncomfortable silences and technical difficulties scintillating conversation and witty repartee.