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sax player

{Name} standing in a studio B playing saxophone

{Name} appearing on the Worst Little Podcast on 11-8-21

Lanny Thomas Carey

Photo of Lanny Thomas Carey singing with his eyes closed into a microphone and playing his guitar.

Lanny Thomas Carey, guitarist and lead of Cryptillians appearing on the Worst Little Podcast on 11-1-21

Pat Gleason

Pat Gloeason standing in front of a microphone and playing a bass.

Pat Gleason, bassist of Cryptillians, appearing on the Worst Little Podcast on 11-1-21

Joey Pariah

Joey Pariah sitting in a well-lit room playing drums

Joey Pariah, drummer of Cryptillians appearing on the Worst Little Podcast on 11-1-21

Michael Tegio

Michael Tegio playing his guitar and singing into a microphone

Singer-songwriter Michael Tegio as featured on The Worst Little Podcast in the World on 10/11/21

Michael Tegio

Michael Tegio sitting in front of a microphone with his guitar and smiling into the camera.

Singer-songwriter Michael Tegio as featured on the Worst Little Podcast in the World on 10/11/21

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