Whining Pussy’s
Moons Of Vega – Because It’s Cool – S7 E8

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and gurrrls,
WTF are you doing right now?
Worst Little Podcast S7 E7 – Download Link
This week we welcome Reno band Moons Of Vega to the show. This high-energy foursome consists of Bryce (bass/vocals), Bruce (First seat Guitar – yeah, right) Chris (Proudly-Adopted-American Second Seat Guitar) , and Don (drums and smarts).
Moons Of Vega will be sharing the stage with Worst Little Podcast alumni Prince Robot and SoCal’s The Whining Pussy’s on April 13th at Shea’s Tavern. Be sure to catch them again at the 13th annual Marianarchy fest, May 12 & 13 @ Jub Jub’s (A benefit for Hank Sosnowski).
Also be sure to check out Jonathan Rolling and Brendon Lund at Foxy First Friday at the Foxy Olive on April 7th. The Rev has to bow out this month due to hours-buying and marriage considerations, but is sure you will be entertained by these two Reno songwriters.
Thanks for listening!