no limits
Craig Prather: Awesomer Than Expected – S3 E18

Do what you love!
The Worst Little Podcast in the World – Download Link – S3 E17
Super fun happy good times on the show this week! Craig Prather stops in for some studio time, promoting his brand spankin’ new CD “No Limits”. Reverend Rory’s brother, Mike , is in town and keeps the third chair warm for Chewie while he’s gone. And we had absolutely NO technical difficulties. None whatsoever. Nope.
Craig Prather is a super guy and collaborative musician – his CD is a two-fer! With a ridiculous number of songs on it, it is a double CD release, all for the price of one! We chat it up, talking about his experiences and the scores of Reno musicians he’s worked with in the past few years. Seriously! Craig Prather can name-drop with the likes of Tom Gordon and Nick Ramirez!
We have a lot of fun, but really the Worst Little Quiz does not fail to disappoint this week. Despite such different guys, they were running a pretty tight race right up until the end, and kabbblaaaammmmm! Everything changes. You gotta listen!
Also – I got everything wrong with Big Remote last week. Their CD Jenkins is available at Discology or at their website
Don’t forget to checkout Lighter Theif at the NadaDada event this Friday at Wildflower Pub. Also Reverend Rory will be emceeing The Best In the West Burlesque Showcase during the Reno Rockabilly Riot at the Grand Sierra Resort this weekend.
Thanks for Listening!