Kat Downs Gaudette
Sit Kitty Sit – (Don’t Touch The) Crackly Bottom – S4 E25

Bing Bang Boom!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E 26 – Download Link
OMG This was such an awesome show. Good good GOOD friends of the Show, Sit Kitty Sit, drove up to Reno from the Bay Area just to be on the podcast. Kat Downs Gaudette and Mike Thompson are a killer two-piece band that will blow your mind. They started playing shows up here in Reno about a year ago and fell in love with the audiences and venues of our fine city. You can’t keep them away now!
Sit Kitty Sit is keyboard, drums and phenomenal singing. A truly unique act they can and have played with everyone from solo guitarists to full on metal hardcore bands. They first played up here with Lucas Young, a previous guest on the show and great guy who just HAPPENED to also stop by the studio this week to say ‘Hi!’. Sit Kitty Sit ended up staying at Dogwater Studios that weekend and Rick and Kat and Mike all fell in musical love. Since then, they’ve remained in contact with us and played a few more shows in the Sierras. What you get today is just a little taste of their amazing live show. Super fun, witty and talented, you don’t want to miss the,
Before I sign off, I just want to remind everyone of the big Nowhere Nevada show at Jub Jub’s this Friday, August 8. With 12 local bands featured in the movie, and film clips being shown all night long, this is something you don’t want to miss! It’s a fundraiser to help the cast and crew go to San Jose for the red carpet film fest that the movie has been selected to be in. Please come out to support Reno art and culture!
Thanks for Listening!