Occupy My Podcast! – S1 E36

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 36
You have questions. We have questions. Answers…. meh.
Hello, loyal listeners; yow are ye? We have a pretty interesting show this week, with another Worst Little Podcast first, as is our wont. This week we tackle the realm of politics and have some face time with one of the members of the media committee from Occupy Reno, Tom L. While we attack him with vitriol and annoying questions ask a lot of dumb questions (someone has to), Tom does a pretty admirable job of fielding them and letting us know more about the aims of Occupy Reno. Hand signals, permits and dealing with carpetbagging shills are just some of the insights he brings from the Occupy Reno General Assembly and march.
But it’s not all boring politics, no! We have our fair share of toilet humor and biting wit – most of it supplied this week by Reno comedian and entertainment journalist, Jenny PezDeSpencer. And I’ll just say it now: Jenny is a dirty girl. That’s why we love her. Jenny just barely edges out Tom during the Worst Little Quiz, pretty much solely based on her feminine wiles. She does bring her jornalist’s hat to the show and doesn’t let Tom off the hook without trying to interview Occupy Reno. You can catch Jenny’s words in Reno Tahoe Tonight and onstage at Pioneer Underground Comedy Shows .
Chewie busts out some old skool tunes for your listening pleasure. Gunshot Likker and Lodestar punch your face in during the first half of the show, then GOB rips your head off in the end. Also, don’t forget to check out the Reno Zombie Crawl website – it’s going to be a great crawl this year!
Once again, ladies, gents and children of a legal drinking age – thanks for listening!