digidelic cowboy
The Best of Number Two – S2 E10

The Worst Little Podcast S2 Ep09 – Download Link
As promised, here is a “Best of” episode for this week. Nick picked the songs and is somehow only on half of them! Way to show some restraint, Mr. Rockstar. It’s a really good list of songs and bands that we had on in the first season. I really hope you enjoy it. The misc includes songs from Danielle French, Felix Polanski, Kate Cotter, the Digidelic Cowboy, Merkin, Seasons of Insanity, Red Mercury, Blunderbusst, Hella A Capella and Trever Crow. Diggit
No pictures this week, but some plugs. Lots of difficult Choices this weekend.
1- Friday 4/13 – Present CD release at The Treehouse Lounge with Big Remote and The Gunner’s Daughter.
2- Friday 4/13 – Nor Cal V. Nor Nev at The Alley, featuring The Firebombing, Rat Damage, City of Vain, Urban Wolves and Ill Eagle.
3- Friday and Saturday 4/13 & 14 – Spring Fling with Stiff Kitty, a burlesque review at the Studio on 4th
4- Saturday 4/14 – Birthday Bash at Shea’s with The Melodramatics, Reno We Have a Problem, Trench War Audio and The Liver Scars.
Well, that’s it. Stick a fork in me.
Thanks for listening.