diana ekins
Douglas Sandall and Diana Ekins – S11 E25 – Music, the Law, and You Make the World Better

Should I even bother complaining about the heat and smoke in this blog post? Other than marking a contextual moment in history on our erstwhile blog post… probably not. We’ve all heard it; thoughts and prayers, everyone. (Especially for The Rev and Raggmopp, who live with a VERY pregnant lady this summer.) Anyway: Onto the show summary!

Our musical guest this week, bluesman and folk…smith Douglas Sandall, makes his debut appearance on the podcast. A veteran of the Reno music underbelly (and Reno in general), Douglas has still, seemingly not lost his hope for peace in the world and belief in other humans, if you can believe that. In addition to his own songwriting skillz and talents, Douglas is also the bassist for Jake Amor and the Hot Dogs!

Returning to the fold is good friend, Diana Ekins! You may remember her from the premier Reno acapella act, Hella Acapella. Today though, she joins us as a professional – a local attorney, specializing in intellectual property rights over at Going Live Legal, PLLC. We catch up with Diana and learn about her journey into lawyering and working with performing artists on a while new level.
As always, please check out the Patreon to get bonus content (minus the Rory) and the Worst Little Grid to find out what’s happening around town this week!
Thanks For Listening!
Hella Acapella – A Very Purple Farewell – S4 E8

Auf Wiedersehen and goodbye…
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S4 E8
It is with heavy heart that I write to you this week. At first I was all like “Hell yeah! Hella Acapella is on the show!!!” But then I was all like “Awwww…It’s the last Hella Acapella show (featuring our good friend Chas Dawes)”. Yes, it’s true, bass singer and LMT, Chas Dawes is leaving fair Reno, NV for the happier shores of Hawaii – where he is getting hooked up like a mofo! We are sad to see him go, but happy for his good fortune.
We spend a lot of time talking about the previous week’s Chazapalooza at Jub Jub’s where the whole gang came out to say goodbye. It was one hell of a party with lots of great performances and some surprise performers! Hella Acapella had a GREAT set and left an indelible memory on everyone there, just like the way Chas has with everyone whose life he has graced.
I’d also like to take a brief moment to congratulate Mrs. and Mr. Jessica and Todd Imus who were joined in wedlock this weekend by none other than Rev. Rory Dowd himself. It was a very special day to be a part of and he was honored to have been included. May their marriage last as long as, like, forever and shit.
While I’m here – another quick plug for Reno open mics. There is one just about every day of the week – you have no idea of how lucky we are in that. One of the newest is going through a bit of a change. Starting Tuesday, April 1 (not a joke) Foxy Olive will be host to “Trashtalk and Trashrock” – an evening of poetry and rekkids. Sign ups start at 7, spoken word starts at 8 and garage rock and roll starts at 10. Hosted by Thee Reverend Rory Dowd and a cast of other fun performers, it’s going to change the face of Tuesdays in Reno!
So, that’s the cue for my line:
I’ve got nothin’ else. Thanks for listening!
We’d also like to take
Purple Forever – S2 E22

Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E21
I can’t stop groovin’!
Hello everyone! Sorry about the no-warning two-week hiatus. Actually, no, we’re not really sorry – we all had an opportunity to take a bit of a vacation and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! This episode is Rick’s first day back on the job, in over 6 days!!! AMAZING!!!! Nick is out on location wrapping up filming for “Nowhere Nevada”, a film 100% cast and crewed here in Northern Nevada (please like our FB page!). Chewie is hard at work, layin bricks in a mine. Rory, well, he, um, did stuff… most of which he remembers. Thanks for your patience though, we really needed it.
At any rate, Rory and Rick had a great time with Formerly Known As, Reno’s only FINEST Prince tribute band. Not the whole band, mind you, just Bishop, Susan Young and WLP all-star Diana Ekins. The rest of them all had some lame excuse, but that’s cause they’re no0t as cool as the other three. They were going to be boring and bring in a CD, but thankfully came to their senses. Dogwater Dick pulled out a guitar from the recesses of the studios and we got some acoustic renditions of good sexy Prince music. Yeah, that’s right – I think Prince’s music is sexy. I dare you to disagree with me. Metrosexual? He invented that shit! And KILLED IT on the guitar every goddamn night! But I digress….
Actually, the whole episode really digresses, then digresses some more. We talked a lot about race and sex, but not in a thoughtful debate kind of way. More like 11th graders. Evidently, Bishop is less black than Rory and Rick put together; Susan likes nerdy white guys; and Diana only pretends to be innocent. They also enjoyed the wine. Lots and lots of the wine. Whish is how I know all zhese shings now. And that was all before we even got to the quiz!
As a final note – some WLP news! In a few weeks here, WLP will be taking a more direct role in the Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor open mic experience! We will be running the Worst Little Open Mic evey Monday night. Its going to be a great opportunity for musicians to get together, new bands to get scene and possibly get booked at the bar or the show. More details to come very soon!
Thanks for Listening!
Confetti Volcano for SCIENCE!!!! – S2 E21

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E19
Like a bunch of space monkeys! Or gorillas.
Hey ever’bodeee! What a wild week it’s been. Rory just got into town a few hours before the podcast this week, so he is flying high on re-acclimatizing, caffeine, booze and no sleep. It makes for some interesting…. things… he says… He gives a recap of his time in St. Louis where he dropped his lovely daughter off for the summer with his lovely and ROCKSTAR parents. He also inadvertently sets off a mild, but lively debate about religion AND politics between the WLP crew (so make sure you don’t listen to this at a bar). The guests did not want to touch that conversation with a 10 foot pole. they had their own shit to talk about…
Dan Ruby of the Wax Models, Crushstory and a few other local projects (like being the Director of Fleishman Planetarium, NBD) comes on the show to regale us with stories of SCIENCE!!!! Well, at least visiting Washington DC and buying NASA surplus at the click of a button. Dan has been a long-time member of the music scene in Reno (he just happens to have been smart enough to study something that got him a cool day job) and is here teasing an upcoming project. Dan, along with Mike Mechanic, J.T. and Chris Gibson, will be performing the live score to a silent film at the NMA on July 28th. This will be the culmination of the “Forage” bike tour event that Holland Project is putting on that day. It sounds pretty kick ass. He also brings a bunch of previously unreleased (except on the web) Wax models tracks that are a lot of fun – somewhere between Jonathan Coulton and TMBG.
Squeaks and Dianamite from Guerrilla Productions were on to plug some stuff too – they have this little event this year called the RENO BLOCK PARTY2, which you may have heard reference to here or there. It’s a great weekend lined up with EDM and live music and art and art cars. Reverend Rory will be emceeing the live stage at Wingfield park, so check it out. The day of fun is this Saturday, June 30 at 10 am. They also plug the upcoming after party with Nevada Backwards at Jub Jub’s, Warsaw Poland Brothers in July, and a benefit for Spike and Jackson on August 10.
SPEAKING OF WHICH – if anyone sees Spike’s truck driving around town without him in it – call the damn police!!! He had his house broken into and all his shit stolen, including guitars and his car keys.
And one last bit – it was brought to my attention that we have not give due credit where it is due- THANK YOU, FELIX POLANSKI!!! He designed the ad we have in the Reno Tahoe Tonight magazine. Hell, he’s designed our logo, our ad and is probably going to help with the T-Shirts when we get to it. THANK YOU FELIX (asshole).
Thanks for listening!