American Pinup
Prince Robot – Broken Things – S7 E6

The Worst Little Podcast – S7 E5 – Download Link
This week’s podcast welcomes self-described hot trash from the desert, Prince Robot. With a no-fucks-given playing style and old-skool punk rock tendencies, these (mostly) Reno natives are cutting a swath across the Reno underground music scene.

Jeff King – Voted most likely to disappoint Christina Ricci in bed.
Prince Robot is playing at one of Reno’s most infamous venues, Shea’s Tavern, on March 26th. Be sure to catch them along with Reno favorites Boss’ Daughter and New York’s own American Pinup that night. In the meantime catch them here talking about sex (I would disappoint Christina Ricci in bed too, Jeff) drugs, rock and roll, and my favorite topic, Rory’s sore wrists.

Channeling ginger rage into the mic is Lynne Carpenter.

Alex Alcantar of Prince Robot. Master of rocket science guitar wizardry.
Thanks for Listening!