The Tides – Intern Week! – S4 E34

Hello Reno!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E34 – Download Link
It’s Intern Week here on the Worst Little Podcast, introducing myself (Sam, the Intern) on the production end of things and the lovely Jamie Woodham, handling general, top secret podcast-ey stuff. She joins us on the show this week along with The Tides. The Tides (not the laundry detergent) are a new(ish) rock/punk band, and they don’t even really DO laundry! At the heart of the group, and back on the show with us, is the one and only Oliver Hull (guitar/vocals).
But wait, there’s more! Oliver is joined by his two devilishly handsome friends, Fred Dai (bass) and Derek Todd (drums). The Tides have been playing together for a while, but only recently emerged from a 6 month hiatus due to Oliver’s punk-like neck breakage. Listen now to find out how he did it!
In other news, Evil Dead the Musical is going fabulously, Nick also doesn’t do laundry, and Rikku found herself grounded *gasp* after a series of very big no-no’s.
You can find this steamy trio on their website or on Facebook. Their next show is not until Marianarchy, but stay tuned with them for any yet-to-be-announced shows!
Thanks for Listening
Angel Garcia – All the Eeems – S4 E33

Good News and Bad News, everyone!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E33
Key, kids! What’s up?!? It’s a fantastic week over here at the palatial Dogwater Studios. The good news is that Evil Dead: The Musical has completely sold out the run of the show – you’ll have to catch us in 2015 if you didn’t see it yet. The bad news is that The Annual Dogwater Punkin’ Carving Party is cancelled this year. Dogwater Dick wants to take one year in 20 off, so we guess that’s fair.
In the long and storied tradition of the show, we picked up a guy at the open mic to play on the show. Angel Garcia, Reno musician and singer, joins us this week to rattle out some of his songs on the innerwebs. Garcia has actively been playing music in Reno for the last year or so, typically as a solo act, but also with a few bands. Prior to Northern Nevada, he was in SoCal, where he gained the moniker “Toxicblinds” as a DeeJay. Despite his rough and freakish exterior, Angel sings like… (not gonna say it!) a pretty pop star. It’s not exactly bubblegum punk rock, but he shure dew have a purty voice.
Early in the show, we take a phone call with Reno’s own #1 female comedian, Jenny PezDeSpencer! Jenny is having another live show at Jub Jub’s on November 8 that she wants you to go to. Her sets are raucous and awesome and delightfully offensive. Take a chance! Be a part of a live comedy album and chekkit out.
In a surprise move, “Magic” Larry Cooper drops by the studio and sits in with us for a whole to tell us about his new album that he’s been recording with Dogwater Dick. Larry’s a dick. He totally hijacks Angel’s show and gets really drunk and breaks stuff. At least he pays his dues and takes part in the quiz.
Don’t forget, in the spirit of the season, come check out the Rocky Horror Extravaganza with music by Pinky Polanski and hosted by Thee Reverend Rory Dowd. Tickets will go fast for them, so get them online now or at the Whitney Peak main desk. Happening on Halloween 10/31/14 there is an all ages show at 8pm and an all adults show at midnight
Thanks for Listening
Vague Choir – Something Something – S4 E32

Is there a such thing as post post rock?
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E32
Hey everybody! It’s a fantastic week here on The Worst Little Podcast, well for most of us. Dogwater Dick got some bad news this week – very distressing, but nothing permanent – listen in the first five minutes to find out why!?! Mark Earnest says, “If you can make it through the first seven minutes, you’re a braver man than I!” Mark is the lead singer and guitar player for Vague Choir. You remember Mark, right? Old friend of the show from the first season!
Mark is joined by his soulmates, Marcus Mayhall (bass) and Jason Thomas (drums). Contrary to what Reverend Rory thought popular belief, Marcus and Jason have never appeared on the show! Yet another Worst Little Podcast First! Which is funny since we bring you another Worst Little Podcast EXCLUSIVE! Vague Choir’s first set is some previously unrecorded (released?) songs that didn’t make it to their first album.
Speaking of albums, if you are in a local band, don’t forget to bring copies of your album to Discology, the final real record store in Reno. They want to have a large and vibrant local music section, but can’t do it until enterprising young musicians like yourselves stop by and drop off some merch! Support local music and local business all in one fell swoop!
Vague Choir does have a show happening this Saturday, October 11 at Monolith Bar, with out-of-towners Fortune Club and dj Tigerbunny. Please check these badasses out in person.
And as always, Thanks for Listening.
Evil Dead: The Musical – Vaude Villan – S4 E31

Gimme some sugar, baby….
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E31
It’s finally October – our favorite time of year! The days shorten and cool and thoughts turn to the warm glowing eyes of demons and monsters. It’s the spooky time! To celebrate this fact, Vaude Villain Entertainment has brought the second greatest musical adventure known to man to a Reno Stage. From Vaude Villain’s production of Evil Dead: The Musical we have co-directors John Frederick and Ashley Marie James (an Evil Tree) and Jeff Bentley (Jake) in the studio to talk about the show and Reno theater!
We also take a call from Evan Buckley Harris, the production’s Ash, while he was on the road. That was fun and totally not awkward at all! The cast is a fun tight knit group who really kill the performance. Full disclosure: I’m also a part of Vaude Villain Entertainment and, as you are likely aware of, a producer of this show. Other than sitting in on a voice rehearsal and seeing a couple rehearsal short videos of movement rehearsals, I hadn’t seen this production at all until opening night and it. Was. A. BLAST. We’ve had sold out shows so far and you should really do yourself a favor and follow the link and get yourself presale tickets – this is a hot ticket right now in the Reno nightlife scene.
It’s a great episode and an even better show. Please check them out!
Thanks For Listening.
Jake Houston and the Tin Can String Band – Zookeeper – S4 E30

Hot damn!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E30 <- Download Link
Hope you’ve been enjoying the weather lately! Everything always smells like campfire! What’s good around a campfire? Old school country music. Jake Houston and the Tin Can String Band are the perfect background when you’re sippin’ whiskey and watchin’ the world burn. The eponymous Jake Houston joins us on the show this week and while this young man is an amazing performer and songwriter in his own right – he’s nothing without the Tin and the Can, Samantha Gates and Ivan Gates.
This trio has only been playing for a few months, but they are all seasoned musicians and does it show. It was hot enough in that studio, but they made it cook!
We also take a little tine to mention again Evil Dead The Musical – The Reno Edition at Good Luck Macbeth theater which is opening this weekend to a sold out crowd and running through Halloween night.
You’ll be able to catch Jake Houston and the Tin Can String Band very soon, but you’ll have to listen to the episode to find out when! And trust me, you do want to. I can’t wait to see more out of this band who literally already have hours of music to play.
Thanks for Listening
Richie Ballerini and Lee Edwards – Swingin’ in the Smoke – S4 E29

Are YOU hooked on a feelin’?
Worst Little Podcast – S4 E29 – Download Link
Hope you have your dancin’ shoes on, because you’re in for a hep ep. Joining us in the studio are Richie Ballerini and Lee Edwards, a couple of crooners tripping the light fantastic in the Reno nightlife.
Ballerini is an old salty dog and veteran of the music industry, having worked with the actual Rat Pack, back when his hair was darker and the nation a little more naive. We could talk to him and listen to his stories for hours. (In fact, Dogwater Dick DID do exactly that during setup and soundcheck this week.) A marvelous entertainer, he lights up Reno/Sparks every weekend at Pietro’s at Victorian Square and is in the market for his fourth wife.
Edwards has joined him this last year as a complete novice professional singer. However, don’t let this lack of experience fool you – this guy has the chops to perform with the best of them. He joins Ballerini every other week at The Polo Lounge in Midtown, wooing the granny panties off of their fans. A soon-to-be father, Edwards has a lot on his plate, juggling duties and starting out as a professional entertainer.
This is Chewie. This is what he does when he’s not on the show.
Also, don’t forget to get your presale tickets to Evil Dead: The Musical and The Pinky Polanski Rocky Horror Extravaganza (early and late shows
Anyway, thanks for your support and Thanks for Listening!
The Bonfire Set – Summerends – S4 E 28

Greetings, earthlings!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E28 – Download Link
It has been a while! Hope you enjoyed last week’s flashback fun – that show is a train wreck.
This week on the show we’re happy to have Jamil Apostol and Kirsten Crom from The Bonfire Set sit in and be assaulted (possibly offended) by the chaos that is Dogwater Studios and the WLP crew. Logistics prevented more of the band from being on live with us this time, but we had a chance to sit down with the CD and two of the musicians behind it.
Nick is back with us this week and we talk about his travels around the state promoting the Movie and such. Revernd Rory hung out at home and went to a ghost motel tour, while Rick recorded bands. I know crazy! Nick is looking forward to playing with the Liver Scars and Turbonegra at Shea’s this weekend – should be a killer time. Go see it.
Anyway – enough about the episode – onto the show!
Thanks for Listening.
FLASHBACK: Memorial Day Meltdown – S4 E27

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 018 (Memorial Day Meltdown Pt. 1)
Worst Little Podcast – Episode 019 (Memorial Day Meltdown Pt. 2)
Hey Everybody!
Due to some technical issues and the holiday, we haven’t been able to give you good show. Stay tuned for next week with The Bonfire Set! Really looking forward to having them on.
In the meantime, talk a walk with us and remember the days of yesteryear with a recap of our first holiday double episode! So many people come in the studio and get stupid drunk. It’s awesome.
Also don’t forget to check out High Desert Steam’s 4th Annual Steampunk Ball up in Virginia City on 9/13/14! Willie and Dusty and the rest of High Desert Steam are putting on another great event this year that you don’t want to miss. Starting at noon at Piper’s Opera House, the Seteampunk event is awesome!
Thanks for listening!
Love Like Wes – Generation Un-gap – S4 E26

Attention, standby passengers!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E27– Download Link
Greetings, fellow travelers!! I hope your seat belts are on, because we’re going on a field trip! Johnny Rolling, Erik Grubbs, Kieran Clark and Henry Lindsay from Love Like Wes put in some time during this last summer of Dogwater. All Battle-Born and Reno raised, they come in with their unique charm and songs about girls and make Reverend Rory feel old as dirt bring us up to speed on themselves. First of all, none of the members of Love Like Wes are actually named Wes, although he is a real person. While we typically avoid such trite questions, this one was begging to be asked. Find out the store during the second segment. Or is it the third?
Love Like Wes is fun, pop rock from Reno Nevada. They’ve been playing around for a few years now and are building a steadily growing following, especially know that they have ‘hair down there’ and can get into bars. All kidding aside, they are fantastic musicians and came to play on the show. And they help us bring to you another WLP exclusive! Starring inour first ever Father/Son connection, bass player Henry Lindsey is the son of none other than Bruce “The Bruce” Lindsey, friend and former gust of the show.
We would also like to take a second to congratulate the cast and crew of Nowhere Nevada for being awarded the title of “Best Feature” at the SF Global Film Festival in San Jose last weekend. That’s right, they got the ‘Best in Show’ award at the event they’ve been working so hard for!! We’ve been supporting them and invested in the project for about two years now, so it’s fantastic for Nick Ramirez, Brian Sutherland, Juli Green, Dave Richards, Jef Derderian, Liz Cole, Felix Danger, Max Volume, Andy Luna, Cori Lynne, Tom Plunkett, Xtevion, Rick Spagnola, Tom Gordon and all the rest of the crew get their deserved accolades. Keep checking in because this is not over; the next step is distribution and we will ube sure to let you know when you can finally see this movie or get a copy of your very own. Check out the Nowhere Nevada IMDB page while you wait! Congrats again, everyone!
We also discuss the future fate of JB the Intern, who pulls his second no -call no-show in as many weeks. Boy is gonna pay.
Enjoy the end of summer!
Thanks for Listening!
Sit Kitty Sit – (Don’t Touch The) Crackly Bottom – S4 E25

Bing Bang Boom!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E 26 – Download Link
OMG This was such an awesome show. Good good GOOD friends of the Show, Sit Kitty Sit, drove up to Reno from the Bay Area just to be on the podcast. Kat Downs Gaudette and Mike Thompson are a killer two-piece band that will blow your mind. They started playing shows up here in Reno about a year ago and fell in love with the audiences and venues of our fine city. You can’t keep them away now!
Sit Kitty Sit is keyboard, drums and phenomenal singing. A truly unique act they can and have played with everyone from solo guitarists to full on metal hardcore bands. They first played up here with Lucas Young, a previous guest on the show and great guy who just HAPPENED to also stop by the studio this week to say ‘Hi!’. Sit Kitty Sit ended up staying at Dogwater Studios that weekend and Rick and Kat and Mike all fell in musical love. Since then, they’ve remained in contact with us and played a few more shows in the Sierras. What you get today is just a little taste of their amazing live show. Super fun, witty and talented, you don’t want to miss the,
Before I sign off, I just want to remind everyone of the big Nowhere Nevada show at Jub Jub’s this Friday, August 8. With 12 local bands featured in the movie, and film clips being shown all night long, this is something you don’t want to miss! It’s a fundraiser to help the cast and crew go to San Jose for the red carpet film fest that the movie has been selected to be in. Please come out to support Reno art and culture!
Thanks for Listening!