Big Remote – Are We There Yet? – S1 E37

Download Link: Worst Little Podcast – Episode 37
Why are these things so much more complicated than they should be?
My apologies for being a day late with this – I know, you’re crushed. First, everyone was late; then it took forever to get started; then there was a delay in post; then I asked Rick to chop up the picture he sent me. THEN I kind of spaced it. And finally, the website was a little slow this morning and I ended up using the really awesome photo by Rick anyway. Ugh! Anyways, welcome to another thrilling episode of The Worst Little Podcast in the World! Since it was such a crazy episode we skipped right over a bunch of things we did last week that were fun and I’m not going to tell you about here either. Suffice to say, we are older, wiser and stronger.
On the show we are treated to a number of LIVE SONGS by Reno favorite, Big Remote! Jon Cornell, Eric Foreman, Don Morrison and Steve Larkins sit in and are right at home talking out of their ass with us. We talk a littl about the trials and tribulations of recording an album as they are looking forward to releasing their first album, “Jenkins”. As a band, Big Remote is tight, melodic and layered; as an interview, Big Remote is somewhat more… chaotic. The quiz gets heated as they all deliver some big answeres for big points, but what else do you expect from a bunch of guys compensating so hard that they had to pt ‘BIG’ in their band name. And let’s not even get into the symbolic meaning and imagery of a remote, much less a big one. At least their wives and girlfriends are nice.
One last thing we forgot to mention on the show – CAPTURED! BY ROBOTS!!!!! They will be appearing at Jub Jub’s on Thursday, 10/27 for J-BOT’S Birthday. But before you go to that, don’t forget to stop by Dogwater Studios for the Annual Punkin’ Carving Party and Great (Un)Discovered CD Release party!!!!!
Thanks for listening!
Occupy My Podcast! – S1 E36

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 36
You have questions. We have questions. Answers…. meh.
Hello, loyal listeners; yow are ye? We have a pretty interesting show this week, with another Worst Little Podcast first, as is our wont. This week we tackle the realm of politics and have some face time with one of the members of the media committee from Occupy Reno, Tom L. While we attack him with vitriol and annoying questions ask a lot of dumb questions (someone has to), Tom does a pretty admirable job of fielding them and letting us know more about the aims of Occupy Reno. Hand signals, permits and dealing with carpetbagging shills are just some of the insights he brings from the Occupy Reno General Assembly and march.
But it’s not all boring politics, no! We have our fair share of toilet humor and biting wit – most of it supplied this week by Reno comedian and entertainment journalist, Jenny PezDeSpencer. And I’ll just say it now: Jenny is a dirty girl. That’s why we love her. Jenny just barely edges out Tom during the Worst Little Quiz, pretty much solely based on her feminine wiles. She does bring her jornalist’s hat to the show and doesn’t let Tom off the hook without trying to interview Occupy Reno. You can catch Jenny’s words in Reno Tahoe Tonight and onstage at Pioneer Underground Comedy Shows .
Chewie busts out some old skool tunes for your listening pleasure. Gunshot Likker and Lodestar punch your face in during the first half of the show, then GOB rips your head off in the end. Also, don’t forget to check out the Reno Zombie Crawl website – it’s going to be a great crawl this year!
Once again, ladies, gents and children of a legal drinking age – thanks for listening!
Peeling Back the Curtain Before We Burn It. – S1 E35

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 35
Special Edition: Cherrybear Records – Behind the Music
We feature a lot of local bands and that gets really old sometimes, so we thought we’d stretch out to the OTHER side of the music scene – production! Jess from Cherrybear Records takes her turn in the hotseat this week. She is promoting the release of the Great Undiscovered 2011 double-CD set and talks about some of the great bands she has helped turning great ideas into CDs, buttons and more. Mostly though, we just bullshit as usual.
We also welcome back Chewie! He’s finally back from laying brick in Elko, NV and back home to take care of his expectant wife. We should have him until February this time as long as he doesn’t fuck up the show; it’s good to have him back! We didn’t really get into it, but he had a fantastic weekend what with UNR’s crushing defeat over UNLV at the annual battle for Nevada and the Raider’s triumph. Rory is also quite pleased with your 2011 Green Bay Packers. Great weekend for sports – too bad we don’t have a sports show.
We talk about sex, drugs and rock’n’roll, the Reno Zombie Crawl, tattoos and lots of crazy hi-jinks of the Reno variety. Some days, the conversation flows like water – other times, you get this. Also included for your listening pleasure are some unreleased Courtesy Stitch songs. One of them is “the foulest and dirtiest thing I’ve ever recorded,” according to Dogwater Dick. It’s pretty fucking amazing…if you’re into train wrecks with a good beat.
Thanks for listening.
Kissing the Gunner’s Daughter – S1 E34

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 34
Some bands are just meant to rock. Others are rippers. The Gunner’s Daughter is one of those bands. We told them that they couldn’t have a full drum kit; they told us they were bringing one anyway. We told them to play live songs live; they cut a live album for us. Tyson Vlahovich, Jake Weatherill and Scott Loring don’t fuck around when it comes to rock and roll.
Great stuff happening in Reno, including the Zombie Crawl, a Greg Allen art opening and more. Listen to the show or just get your face out from behind a computer and do it! This town is only as great as we make it. Go wash your car, go to the museum, give a dollar to a hopeless cause. It’s all the little details that make Reno a liveable place. Keep it up!
And finally congratulations to Reverend Rory – he’s finished with his graduate coursework and now just needs to sit back and let the job offers roll in!
**Full Length Double Episode** Too Tall Tom and His Reno Rockstar Rarities – Side B – S1 E33

The Worst Little Podcast – Episode 22 (SIDE B)
Hold on people – this is a long ride! We had to split this up into TWO episodes, ’cause it wouldn’t upload gooder enough.
We are so flipping lucky!!!! Tom Gordon of Imirage Sound Lab was hanging out with Nick at Burning Man when they hatched a plot for Tom to come into Dogwater Studios and share with us a whole CD of previously unreleased tracks by a variety of bands. Maybe Buring Man isn’t so bad after all…. nah. It’s still totally lame.
I don’t want to waste a lot of time on this blog post, because you have some serious listening to do – THREE HOURS of listening. I am not even kidding. It was a real treat to talk to Tom about his experiences recording at Granny’s Recording Studio during the 90’s. Lots of famous people visited that world-class facility over the years; but a lot of local bands recorded there as well. Tom brought us a lot of exclusive content that never saw the light of day, including songs from Psychobabble, Source, Convicted Innocence, Fall Silent, The Atomiks and more!!! Some are alternate versions, some never got released because the band broke up and some were seriously never meant for public consumption. There’s even some R&B and Gospel on there – also Worst Little Podcast firsts.
Between the wizards, muggles, microphones, harmonics, the JDRF, Reno hardcore and backstage heartbreaks, we barely got to the songs! We actually didn’t even get to everything Tom brought this time, and he hasn’t even dipped into the current century! Automatic repeat booking. We hope you enjoy this show. It’s a lot of music and really long. It truly was a treat to have Tom share these experiences with us.
Thanks for listening!!!
**Full Length Double Episode** Too Tall Tom and His Reno Rockstar Rarities – Side A – S1 E33

The Worst Little Podcast – Episode 33 (SIDE A)
Hold on people – this is a long ride! We had to split this up into TWO episodes, ’cause it wouldn’t upload gooder enough.
We are so flipping lucky!!!! Tom Gordon of Imirage Sound Lab was hanging out with Nick at Burning Man when they hatched a plot for Tom to come into Dogwater Studios and share with us a whole CD of previously unreleased tracks by a variety of bands. Maybe Buring Man isn’t so bad after all…. nah. It’s still totally lame.
I don’t want to waste a lot of time on this blog post, because you have some serious listening to do – THREE HOURS of listening. I am not even kidding. It was a real treat to talk to Tom about his experiences recording at Granny’s Recording Studio during the 90’s. Lots of famous people visited that world-class facility over the years; but a lot of local bands recorded there as well. Tom brought us a lot of exclusive content that never saw the light of day, including songs from Psychobabble, Source, Convicted Innocence, Fall Silent, The Atomiks and more!!! Some are alternate versions, some never got released because the band broke up and some were seriously never meant for public consumption. There’s even some R&B and Gospel on there – also Worst Little Podcast firsts.
Between the wizards, muggles, microphones, harmonics, the JDRF, Reno hardcore and backstage heartbreaks, we barely got to the songs! We actually didn’t even get to everything Tom brought this time, and he hasn’t even dipped into the current century! Automatic repeat booking. We hope you enjoy this show. It’s a lot of music and really long. It truly was a treat to have Tom share these experiences with us.
Thanks for listening!!!
What color is your Merkin? – S1 E32

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 32
Before we get started, we want to take a moment to offer our condolences to the many people affected by the tragedy at the Reno-Stead Air Races last week and their families. The Worst Little Podcast also wants to acknowledge the TREMENDOUS outpouring of help and support from the Reno community – lots of emergency personel and medical staff dropped everything they were doing to help out and the Red Cross was overwhelmed by people responding to requests for donors last Friday and throughout the weeknd. Sincerely – way to go, people of Reno! (And everywhere else nearby!)
To the show! Chewie is of course, off on some Carribean Island sipping beers on the beach while we slave away at Ye Olde Podcaste. So, we decided to have a REALLY good band in this week – the every entertaining and eclectec and exciting, MERKIN! A’lan Bur’ton, Dane DeLucchi (<—spelled right!) and Jeremy Morrow bring it with some teaser tracks from their upcoming, as yet unfinished, CD and smashing live performances. They even play for us their very newest song – and it’s a ripper!
I’d like to take another moment out to acknowledge the struggle of one of the members of the band. A’lan Bur’ton, afflicted with being a ginger and former slave. Please whatever you do, don’t address him by his slave name, Alan. He is A’lan, premeire Reno artfag and we should accord him all due respect. Don’t call him Alan, he really doesn’t like it. His struggle is an inspiring and moving one, including his harrowing experience in the porn industry. That part of the Merkin interview didn’t get recorded, unfortunately, but it was a really cool segment, I swear.
So yeah, I don’t really have much else except to say 1) you should listen to the show, 2) you should check the facebook page to WIN FREE TICKETS TO THE MERKIN SHOW AT THE KNIT ON THURSDAY 9/29, and 3) go hang out at Jeremy’s bar.
Oh, and 4) Thanks for Listening!
Del Mar – The Ocean and the Desert – S1 E 31

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 31
Nick randomly met these guys playing beer pong at the CalNeva. They’re fucking awesome. I think this is our longest episode EVAR.
Hello everybodee! Hope you’ve been having a great couple of weeks and enjoying the end of the summer; we all sure have. Between Burning Man, the Rib CookOff, The Discovery Museum Opening, the Balloon Races, Reno Aces, art shows, rock shows and some pretty spectacular weather, Reno has HELLA been the place to be. Nick regales us with a bunch of “this one time, at Burning Man” crap some great stories from the playa. Rory can’t stay out of the spotlight so he tells SOMEBODY ELSE’S playa story that he’s already heard. Nick has more epic tales to tell, but we couldn’t fit them all in this week. He’s going to finish up with his journal in the next few episodes, but we had to move on to more immediate exciting things – like our gursts Del Mar.
Unlike most of the artists and performers on the show, we didn’t really know of these guys except by reputation before the show, so it is an episode of discovery! (Not like that! Unless Rick (or Rory) needs to fess up to something. ) Matt Bode and Mike Martinez of Del Mar stop by this week. If you don’t know, you really should check them out. Great surf/rockabilly/drunkpunk/cowpunk from some local kids, including a female singer, Nicole. The kicker is that the two dummies we talked to somehow hooked up with the fantastic talent of Bud Gaugh (Sublime)! Unfortunately, Bud and Nicole couldn’t make it tonight, but we’re going to try to get them all in here in the spring.
This is a SUUUUPER long episode – it hits the 1:40 mark! I hope you’ve got some time to kill. Our little one hour show keeps growing and growing! Thanks to loyal listener Jude Mayne, we just hit 150 likes on Facebook! (although, that number could be higher, slackers… Tell your friends to like us! Even if they don’t! We’ll play the fake internet friend game!) Once again, it’s been a lot of fun. Thanks for listening.
Musicians? We Don’ Need No Stinking Musicians! – S1 E30

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 030 <—-DOWNLOAD LINK!
Preparation is futile; prepare to be entertained.
We try to book you QUALITY performers in this studio every week. It’s like a job an’ shit to us. This week, however, we had a problem getting the band, Seasons of Insanity in here. I’m going to blame it on Charter, since one of them had to be at work late. Seasons of Insanity will join us on another episode later this fall – keep listening.
Instead, we have some of our favorite people riding the mic with us this week. Layla James joins us again and is utterly crushed that her score on the Worst Little Quiz in the World was destroyed by Andy 86 last week. She’s going to have to go out and have LOTS of random sex to climb back up there, so, gentlemen, check out that website for all your stalking related information to see if Layla’s the woman of your dreams! (…if I didn’t have a wife, I tell ya…)
Chewie is still sticking around, but Nick is off in the playa being a dirty hippee for another week or so. The Codiak, Dakota Joe also joins us in the studio. It’s always a problem when Codiak and Chewie are in the studeio. They’re funny, but they’re also quiet on the radio. Maybe more beer would help – no. No. We’ve already established that that is a bad idea.
Rory brings two contributions to the show – a disturbing news story and a more personal story about Rick and Rory ‘back-in-the-day’. Very family friendly – if your family is a bunch of tweakers. Also, we feature the recorded music of Pinky Polanski, The Shames, and Dogwater Dick himself! The Shames are going to start recording with Rick next monday, so no show. On the plus side, it means that we are just that much closer to having what is arguaby Reno’s best punk band actually in the studio with us.
So, on that note – there is no show next week. It’s Labor Day. I’m gettin’ me some barbecue.
See you in two weeks… and thanks for listening!
Los Pistoleros – The Power of Booze and Fake Radio – S1 E29

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 029
And now, boys and girls, here’s a podcast.
If you’re a loyal listener you hay have heard last week that we were going to have the guys from Big Remote in this week. Unfortunately, there was a death in the family of one of the members and we’re postphoning the show with them. Much love to Foreman, Brown and Dixon families from all of us at the Worst Little Podcast in the World. Don’t fret though – they’ll be on soon. They can’t afford NOT to be on the most popular local music podcast in Reno.
Instead we get Felix. Yeah, that’s right, Felix Polanski. *facepalm* It was a last minute thing; I know, I’m sorry. To balance that out we also have Jess from Cherrybear Records and Andy 86 from The Riptide Bandits LOS PISTOLEROS! Even though the rest of the Pistols couldn’t make it on short notice, Andy graciously let us play a couple fo tracks from their upcoming CD release. (It will be out just as soon as their singer gets out of the slammer.)
Also, we finally play the tapes from the Undiscovered 2011 show. Rory recorded a brief interview with Los Pistoleros in the garage, right as they found out Felix is a dummy when he’s loaded. We also have an interview with a very drunk Felix AFTER a real disaster was avoided. He’s such a jerk. Felix and Andy publicly bury the hatchet for your entertainment!
Chewie’s back – not much to say except for his impeccably placed one-liners, as usual. This whole ‘Return of Chewbacca’ thing is actually starting to get old. But, whatever. It’s good to have the ol’ wookie back in town. We’re looking forward to him sticking around for the rest of the year.
We’ve got news, events and the Worst Little Quiz too. Can Andy unseat our current recordholder, Layla James? Listen in and find out!
Thanks for listening.