The alley

Spike McGuire: Bromancing the Stoner – S2 E28

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Season 02
Spike McGuire: Bromancing the Stoner - S2 E28

Worst Little Podcast – S2 E26

It’s that time of year again – Dust Season. Welcome back, Burners.

Spike McGuire: HEY, YOU GUUUUUUUUYS!!!!!


We were supposed to have this new kick-ass band for you this week, but they’ve already lost a drummer, so instead we just got a lead singer: Mr. Spike McGuire! Spike’s been on the show before and is a busy man around town. He heads up the monthly Loud As Folk series at The Alley in Sparks and is generally playing music somewhere on any given week. He regales us with some tales of Chicago, music, anarchy and sex bets. That’s right sex bets. Just ask Aric Shapiro! (who is a huge… pimp, btw, ladies). Spike also brought along a friend of his, a bona-fide actor from LA that we like to call Hollywood Brad!

Hollywood Brad: He’s just like a Ken doll, except anatomically correct and not made of plastic.

At first, it seemed as if the show was a little weak and directionless (Rory hadn’t been drinking much yet). But once Hollywood Brad got a 6-pack under his 6-pack, the stories started rolling on ot. One of the LONGEST Worst Little Quizzes ever ebcause of that. But it’s all good – a really good quiz. You can hear them jockeying for positions in Rick’s bed . Naughty boys. Rory also pans a touring act that he caught next week and Nick of course has details about a bunch of shows he’s paying in. What is this? Some kind of personal aggrandizement center? Oh, wait…

Anyway, thanks for listening!

The Best of Number Two – S2 E10

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Season 02
The Best of Number Two - S2 E10

The Worst Little Podcast S2 Ep09  – Download Link

As promised, here is a “Best of” episode for this week. Nick picked the songs and is somehow only on half of them! Way to show some restraint, Mr. Rockstar. It’s a really good list of songs and bands that we had on in the first season. I really hope you enjoy it. The misc includes songs from Danielle French, Felix Polanski, Kate Cotter, the Digidelic Cowboy, Merkin, Seasons of Insanity, Red Mercury, Blunderbusst, Hella A Capella and Trever Crow. Diggit

No pictures this week, but some plugs. Lots of difficult Choices this weekend.

1- Friday 4/13 – Present CD release at The Treehouse Lounge with Big Remote and The Gunner’s Daughter.

2- Friday 4/13 – Nor Cal V. Nor Nev at The Alley, featuring The Firebombing, Rat Damage, City of Vain, Urban Wolves and Ill Eagle.

3- Friday and Saturday 4/13 & 14 – Spring Fling with Stiff Kitty, a burlesque review at the Studio on 4th

4- Saturday 4/14  – Birthday Bash at Shea’s with The Melodramatics, Reno We Have a Problem, Trench War Audio and The Liver Scars.

Well, that’s it. Stick a fork in me.

Thanks for listening.

Rollin’ With a Couple of Sixes – The Hardways – S2 E2

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Season 02
Rollin' With a Couple of Sixes - The Hardways - S2 E2

The Worst Little Podcast -> Download Link <- S02 Ep02

I didn’t want to get out of bed today. But then I would have missed this awesome show.

Jesse Easter


We almost had a GREAT show. But once again Matty didn’t answer the phone when we tried to make a What’s Matty Drinking call. Ruined the whole show. Sorry. As a consolation prize we are pleased to be offering free bro-jobs the musical stylings of The Hardways! Jesse Easter, Spike McGuire, Tyson Schroeder and Stephen Sperber visit the slum that passes for Rick’s house fabulously hi-tech Dogwater Studios for some good times and cheap beers.

Spike McGuire

Um, what were we just talking about?

As is our wont, we had them play some songs for us (why else do you listen?) that blew us away. Don’t let the vacant stares and mullets fool you – these guys are effing RIPPERS. And a bunch of foulmouthed bastards the friendliest gents you could ever bring home to meet the parents, ladies – especially that Tyson. He sure is a smooth talker!

Tyson Schroeder

Hey, ladies! I'm single!

If you want to catch The Hardways at a theater near you, you’re going to have to wait until March. To tide you over, check out their first album, Perpetual Motion on the iTunes store. It should keep your toes tapping until you go see them live. If you’re looking for a really great show right now – check out the Winter Music Series at The Alley, on Thursday night. This week is the ‘Nick Ramirez Spectacular’, featuring Candyshoppe, Hella A Cappella Reno, Na Na Nonchalant, Present & The LetDowns. It should be a pretty bitchin’ show. I’m going to be there. Nick probably will be there. It would be nice to see you!

Steven Sperber

Yo, check yo'self before I hug the SHIT out of you!

Nick’s Journal is strangely quiet this week (thank gawd…); Rick is swamped with recording bands; and Chewie, well, he’s been busy being a dad. Me? Rory? Well, I’m here with you one the innerwebz trying to make sense of my life. I hope you have a great week.

Ans thanks for listening.