red mercury

Red Mercury*: A Second Dose – S2 E37

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Season 02
Red Mercury*: A Second Dose - S2 E37

Hella holla!

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E36

Hey-o! After a bunch of scheduling and technical difficulties, we got this episode off the ground and plowed through, coming up with something like a show! Tom McInturf from Red Mercury* showed up this week to save our ass by being the gurst. he was happy too since he’s here to plug the latest Red Mercury* album, “When Galaxies Collide”, a concept album. Some of the music is new, some written just for the album. It was about a year ago that the whole band, including Mike Adragna and Morgan Hough came on to rock it out live.

Unfortunately, Red Mercury* joins the long line of Reno bands that break up right after they record an album. Morgan was stolen away in the night by Spencer the Intern to play with The Big Bad. It was all going so well too until Tom attacked Spence in the hallway… just kidding, but that would have been awesome, right? Try harder next time, Tom.

Also joining us via the tele-ma-phone is Susan jones, a Seattle area comedian, who will be appearing at the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club in the Pioneer Underground this Friday and saturday (11/30 and 12/1). Susan brought the funny! She is the kind of comedy guest we like – chit chat, jokes, plugs, jokes and out. Like a boss! ZI may sound a little disinterested in the tape, but I was dealing with some of the aforementioned tech difficulties during the show. (The new phone doesn’t work like the old one… 🙁 ) But we like her – mildly inappropriate and edgy, Susan Jones is a ton of fun. No really, shes a BBBW. Check out her webside WannaRollAFatty if you don’t believe me. Also be sure to check out her show at the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club – it will be being filmed for a DVD! So get out there and get your voice on a DVD, right before she shuts you down, heckler!

Also – don’t forget the following weekend! Marianarchy, Marianarchy, Marianarchy!!!! Marianarchy Winterball 2012 – A Benefit for Tom Plunkett!!! December 7 and 8 from about 4pm until 2 am both days. As always, 28 local bands coming together for one good cause – helping out the awesome Tommy Plunkett. And fuck cancer. Please be there, if just to stop by and say hi. Nick and Rory will be running around, keeping the whole show on track – at least until Rory gets his birthday drunk on! Can he do 10 carbombs in one day and still be an effective host? Be able to get laid? We shall see…. Looking forward to seeing all of you there!

Thanks for listening!

Marianarchy 2012: The Fuckyourdeath Edition – S2 E15

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Season 02
Marianarchy 2012: The Fuckyourdeath Edition - S2 E15

Worst Little Podcast -> Download Link <- S2 E 13

Welcome to the start of your summer season, Reno!

As I mentioned in last week’s post, Jess Blaze, local promoter and true believer, passed away in her sleep. We start the show with an audio tribute to Jess; we humbly share these memories  of a woman we all loved very much. She was also a big part of …..

Marianarchy 2012 setlist


That’s right! After months and months of teasing it out – IT’S REALLY HERE!!! MARIANARCHY 2012!!!!!!! Friday May 18 and Saturday May 19!!!

It’s one hell of a line up this year, with the reunions of Phat Couch and Gunshot Licker on Friday and Saturday nights, respectively. There’s a raffle and silent auction, Happy-Hour Potluck, BBQ. Admission is whatever you can donate to the cause. This year, the proceeds will go to benefit the familes of Rev. Gary Setzer and Jess Blaze (who are secretly pissed that they’re missing this show, or so I’m told). The events will be emceed by yours truly, Reverend Rory. Come see me turn into Jerry Lewis over a 48 hour period!!!

Seriously, though – this is probably my favorite event in Reno every year. You should really check it out. Marianarchy is at the cultural heart of Reno and Ground Zero for a lot of the love and camraderie in the Reno music and sart scenes. It is really something special and you should check it out.

Dave Aiazzi_phixr

Dave supports free speech and press!

Also on the show this week is Reno City Councilman and Sparks-core native, Dave Aiazzi. Dave is a really good friend of Nick’s and a big supporter of our simmering arts scene here in Reno. He also knows how to take a joke (Thanks in advance for not getting a cease and desist on the picture, Dave). Irma Geddon jumps into the fray with some insightful questions about how people can get things done with the city, what happened to the Occupy Moana thing, and what is up with that airline food? For his part, Dave does not particularly care for the airline chicken plate. I think Dave had something he wanted to talk about, but we all kept badgering him with questions and cutting to the music. It was probably important.

Maybe next time. Ha?

At any rate – Come to MARIANARCHY 2012 at JUB JUB’S THIRST PARLOR! MAY 18 AND 19!!!!

The Best of Number Two – S2 E10

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Season 02
The Best of Number Two - S2 E10

The Worst Little Podcast S2 Ep09  – Download Link

As promised, here is a “Best of” episode for this week. Nick picked the songs and is somehow only on half of them! Way to show some restraint, Mr. Rockstar. It’s a really good list of songs and bands that we had on in the first season. I really hope you enjoy it. The misc includes songs from Danielle French, Felix Polanski, Kate Cotter, the Digidelic Cowboy, Merkin, Seasons of Insanity, Red Mercury, Blunderbusst, Hella A Capella and Trever Crow. Diggit

No pictures this week, but some plugs. Lots of difficult Choices this weekend.

1- Friday 4/13 – Present CD release at The Treehouse Lounge with Big Remote and The Gunner’s Daughter.

2- Friday 4/13 – Nor Cal V. Nor Nev at The Alley, featuring The Firebombing, Rat Damage, City of Vain, Urban Wolves and Ill Eagle.

3- Friday and Saturday 4/13 & 14 – Spring Fling with Stiff Kitty, a burlesque review at the Studio on 4th

4- Saturday 4/14  – Birthday Bash at Shea’s with The Melodramatics, Reno We Have a Problem, Trench War Audio and The Liver Scars.

Well, that’s it. Stick a fork in me.

Thanks for listening.

The Secrets of Red Mercury – S1 E41

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Season 01
The Secrets of Red Mercury - S1 E41

Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 41

This is easily our most offensive episode yet. Like that-time-I-faked-a-miscarriage-for-Halloween motherfuckerbulldogcheeksshitcuntfartbloody stoolsnottyshlongtwogirlsonecupcockbastardmeatpursedonkeypunch offensive.

Tom McInturf ...the smart one...

I’d like to start by acknowledging that we make mistakes. Yes, I know, it’s hard to believe, but we fuck up sometimes. Like my grandfather’s name is “Ed” not “Gerald” or whatever it was I said(see Ep.39). The most glaring mistakes in this show are the date for the Ditch the Pilot benefit show, (Dec. 8 ) since they house got burnt down, and the fact that this is our 41st episode, not our 40th. But anyways….

Mike Adragna ...the pretty one...

We cover a lot of ground in this nearly 2 hour episode. Mike Adragna, Morgan Hough and Tom McInturf of Red Mercury are this week’s victims are a bunch of really fun guys. They got the vibe of the show right away and rolled with it. I think I even blushed  a couple of times (AND I tell an awful, awful joke I made up and promised teh Wifey I wouldn’t repeat. But, ssshhh – don’t tell her.) Red Mercury plays a few really fucking awesome live songs and some tracks off of their fairly new CD; in the interview, they really let their hair down, but… we already talked about that.

Morgan Hough ...the funny one...

We also touch on the Caughlin Fire, Movember, Marianarchy, football (Raiders suck, Go Pack!), how busy Rick is and much much more.  Well, not really MUCH, much more, but some other things, and postulations and theorems waxing upon life. And bad jokes. Lots of those.

And as always, my Unseen Audience: Thanks for listening.